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A poem is never finished, only abandoned.  ~Paul Val�ry
Poetry is an echo, asking a shadow to dance.  ~Carl Sandburg
Poetry is thoughts that breathe, and words that burn.  ~Thomas Gray
Poetry is not always words.  ~Audrey Foris
Poetry is the rhythmical creation of beauty in words.  ~Edgar Allan Poe


2003-07-26 - 3:24 p.m.

Through my life, I've seen pain

Bathed in the sun, danced in the rain

And although I am young

Inside I'm old and aged

For I have learned

To turn the mighty page

Through the years I've gotten things wrong

Wrote the wrong lyrics

Sang the wrong songs

Now through love and tears, I've grown too wise

So tired of living, yet too young to die.

raw || truth
Past Memories:

2006-01-13 - Fear In My Skin
2006-01-10 - The Moon - Our Silent Audience
2005-12-14 - Promise
2005-12-11 - Pure Bliss
2005-08-31 - In This Grave