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A poem is never finished, only abandoned.  ~Paul Val�ry
Poetry is an echo, asking a shadow to dance.  ~Carl Sandburg
Poetry is thoughts that breathe, and words that burn.  ~Thomas Gray
Poetry is not always words.  ~Audrey Foris
Poetry is the rhythmical creation of beauty in words.  ~Edgar Allan Poe


In A Whisper
2003-06-25 - 10:02 p.m.

The promises you made

broke the spell

They were in vain

They were insane

and there was no need

For you to lie

But lie you did

Oh what a sin

Cannot be forgiven

But I need to go on living

And there is no need

For me to cry.

My heart breaks

Your lips speak

But can you listen?

What is still missing

From this puzzle?

And there was no need

For love to die.

But die it did

A slow, painful death

It gasped your name

With it's last breath

And there was no need

For you to walk away.

You hold within you

All that I am

But you do not hold sacred

That which you have damned...

raw || truth
Past Memories:

2006-01-13 - Fear In My Skin
2006-01-10 - The Moon - Our Silent Audience
2005-12-14 - Promise
2005-12-11 - Pure Bliss
2005-08-31 - In This Grave