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A poem is never finished, only abandoned.  ~Paul Val�ry
Poetry is an echo, asking a shadow to dance.  ~Carl Sandburg
Poetry is thoughts that breathe, and words that burn.  ~Thomas Gray
Poetry is not always words.  ~Audrey Foris
Poetry is the rhythmical creation of beauty in words.  ~Edgar Allan Poe


Faerie Tales
2003-11-05 - 3:17 p.m.

Faerie Tales

(not finished yet!)

I�ll sing to you an endearing rhyme

Of childish dreams and moonbeam lines

Tales of woe, tales of hope

Legends and lore of a forgotten time..

I shall entice you my dear, hear my tune

Of unicorns, faeries and men on the moon

I shall intoxicate you, my love, listen closely

Of terrors, and horrors, of fae and mystery.

I�ll sing to you a song of tears

Rhymes to bleed, tunes to fear

I�ll whipser to you of an enchanted dream

Where nothing is ever quite what it seems..

I�ll lure you, my dear, fear not the words

The woods, the forest, the strings, the chords

It will be such a simply melody, a vision to hehold

I�ll seduce as I whisk you away to my humble abode.

raw || truth
Past Memories:

2006-01-13 - Fear In My Skin
2006-01-10 - The Moon - Our Silent Audience
2005-12-14 - Promise
2005-12-11 - Pure Bliss
2005-08-31 - In This Grave