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A poem is never finished, only abandoned.  ~Paul Val�ry
Poetry is an echo, asking a shadow to dance.  ~Carl Sandburg
Poetry is thoughts that breathe, and words that burn.  ~Thomas Gray
Poetry is not always words.  ~Audrey Foris
Poetry is the rhythmical creation of beauty in words.  ~Edgar Allan Poe


Would You?
2003-07-24 - 9:49 p.m.

Would you lay me down in a cold field with a stone over my head?

Would you love me even more if I were dead?

Would you lie with me on a silken bed with thorny pillows?

Would you sit beside the gentle stream among the weeping willows?

Would you capture the suns rays for me if I were to ask?

Would you freely take the task?

Would you seduce the moon to share it's light?

Even if it were for only one night?

Would you do so without a thought of fear?

Would you do so without a hint of a tear?

Would you still love me to the end of time?

Would you still be by my ancient side?

Would you relinquish your soul to my spell?

And would you follow me to the depths of hell?

raw || truth
Past Memories:

2006-01-13 - Fear In My Skin
2006-01-10 - The Moon - Our Silent Audience
2005-12-14 - Promise
2005-12-11 - Pure Bliss
2005-08-31 - In This Grave